VR Game Project – Day 3 of 8

More progress, although not in the direction I was anticipating!
Bug Fixes and Improvements
The “blink” script continued to be problematic, so I removed the fancy one I grabbed from the Unity wiki and wrote my own very simple one. It works. I will release it CC-BY when I upload the source and build.
I did some “hallway testing” with family members. One of them had trouble getting out of the starting room because the door closed too fast after it opened. Instead of bumping up the delay, I did some hacking and came up with a context-sensitive “polite” door that refuses to close as long as you’re looking at it. Unrealistic? Maybe. Convenient for the game? Very much so! Like the “blink” script, I will release the door controller CC-BY later.
Last, the targets did not fully disable their collider when you teleported to them. I added some code that fixes this.
Got lots more lighting done. I figured out my workflow…
- Create my models in Blender.
- Assign materials to vertices. I tried to keep the names straight so I wouldn’t end up with lots of duplicates (Unity reuses materials after it sees one for the first time, which is kinda nice) but I still ended up with a few typos and duplicate materials. Oh well, lesson learned.
- Create a UV map.
- In Unity, check the “Generate Lightmap UV” checkbox.
- Mark the mesh as static.
- Mark all my lights as “bake” vs “realtime”
- Disable realtime GI baking in the scene lightmap settings and just leave general GI baking enabled.
- Tweak the Baked GI resolution (40-60 seems good for testing; 128 looks reasonable for final builds)
- Check “Final Gather” for final builds.
- Bake!
It’s wasteful to use 6 huge images, but I did make a skybox using Unity’s skybox shader. I used Ingar’s space sky textures from Unvanquished for now. These are available CC-BY-SA 3.0 and I will make these files available when I realize a build and the source.
A table, a chair, a couch, a bed, a bedside table, two lamps, a computer monitor, a keyboard, a small desk, and a refined version of the curvy desk, all handcrafted with the finest non-GMO free range organic vertices by yours truly.
Here’s the fun bits!
Tomorrow’s work
- Dialog system. No, really. I need this.
- Possibly a cute little robot to sit in the chair. I don’t know. I’ve never successfully animated anything in Blender before.